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First went to business school (Essec MBA) and worked in large companies.

Set sail by enrolling at the Cour Florent where he rediscovered the refreshing lands of the theatre.

Founded the Artichoke company for which he writes plays, directs and plays shows  : Retour de Vacance (2011), Cabaret Cosmique (2012), The Great Turnaround (2014), Schmetterling (2015), Welcome Back in Arcadia (2016), Big Blue 3D (2017), Arthur in the Land of the Great Depression (2018) )

Realizes poetic performances and willingly lends himself to the role of Monsieur Loyal and town crier (Montmartre à Clisson 2016, 2017…)

Also officiates in the theater for young audiences within the company l'Artifice (Dijon). Since 2014, he has been playing in the show Le Monde Sous les Flaques (120 dates on tour in France) and this year in a participatory creation La BIP (Banque d'Idées Positives)

Animates many workshops on imaginary stimulation, writing and theatrical creations with children and adolescents.

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